Today's npm package: merge-anything

Today's npm package: merge-anything


1 min read

Today's npm package is merge-anything

Manipulating data is basic need for any kind of application development.

And for manipulation of data, sometimes merging of similar data is needed.

And, merge-anything is going to help us in this direction. Let's see how to use it:

const { merge, mergeAndConcat } = require('merge-anything');

const objA = { 
  name: 'Pankaj',
  lang: ['js', 'css'],
  social: { twitter: 'patel_pankaj_' } 

const objB = { 
  name: 'Pankaj Patel',
  lang: ['html', 'go'],
  social: { instagram: 'pankaj_patel' } 

  merge(objA, objB)
/* {
  name: 'Pankaj Patel',
  lang: ['html', 'go'],
  social: {
    instagram: 'pankaj_patel',
    twitter: 'patel_pankaj_'
} */

  mergeAndConcat(objA, objB)
/* {
  name: 'Pankaj Patel',
  lang: ['js', 'css', 'html', 'go'],
  social: {
    instagram: 'pankaj_patel',
    twitter: 'patel_pankaj_'
} */

One thing to note here is that merge by default will overwrite the arrays. To use concatenation for merge, use mergeAndConcatenation

See it in action here:

Stay tuned for tomorrow's package of the Day.